Hatachi no Ryouma with Kurofune-kun! Banner
Hatachi no Ryouma with Kurofune-kun! Cover


Hatachi no Ryouma with Kurofune-kun!



Currently Airing

A Shinagawa ward tourism anime. The anime was made in honor of the 150th anniversary of the Meiji Restoration. It stars Sakamoto Ryouma, a historical figure who took part in overthrowing the Tokugawa shogunate. He spent most of his youth in Shinagawa under the Tosa Clan residence and a statue of him was erected in his honor. He's considered a hero of Edo and worked as a cost guard/battery staff when Commodore Perry landed in Japan with black ships. Here, the anime has a young Ryouma encounter Kurofune-kun, a black ship chibi mascot, as they time slip to modern Shinagawa. Kurofune-kun shows him the sights and they meet other historical figures who time slipped.


Aired: Aug 1, 2018 to ?
Japanese: ハタチの龍馬 with クロフネくん!
Synonyms: Shinagawa Anime Sonosan


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